Let me offer another viewpoint.
In 2013, I went to a salon to have my hair done as Amy for the very first time. (I was presenting as a woman part-time, leading up to my eventual male-to-female transition in 2017.) The experience reminded me very much of Mia's makeover scene, and, in fact, one of the stylists started calling me "Mia." For me, it was one of those transformative moments, where I finally saw something of my full potential as Amy. And that also marked the day I lost all remaining fear of being out in the world as Amy.
Now, the potential was in me all along, obviously; it just needed expert help to bring it forth. And I needed it more than Mia did, as I was coming from a completely different perspective. But the end result was the same in both the movie and in my experience; we both felt like princesses.
(The full story of that day is here: https://transitionwithouttears.com/amys-day-of-beauty/ - and note that I used a quote from that very scene as the epigraph!)